Monday, April 14, 2008


I deactivated Facebook on Saturday. I was tired of the emotional energy I was putting into a damn website. Yes, emotional energy. A lot of the things I did on Facebook were spurred on by emotional causes, and now I'm trying to get away from that.

Of course, now I have more time to do a lot more things and get work done, and I really appreciate that, but this is also a secondary motive. My main motive was because I was tired of seeing exes happy, I was tired of being online and waiting for someone (specific someone) to message me. I was tired of sending clues and trying to be cute in a status to lure someone to say something (same specific someone). I wasted a lot of time and energy that could have been spent on building myself, mentally, emotionally, and academically.

I'm just started to realize what life is like without Facebook. I still instinctively try to sign in (thank God the deactivation has to be reactivated by a special means) and click on the nifty Firefox Facebook button, but I stop myself. Life has a new tone without getting on that site. I think deactivating it was necessary, so I could spend some time on myself without checking on others. Now I can look at other things using my phone haha!

I don't know how long I'll keep this up; probably for a while. Like I said, things are pretty peaceful and non-stressful without Facebook. I wonder if I'll get used to it...

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