Monday, December 31, 2007


First off, resolutions are really just a hollow tradition that people follow every year and never really see through. I'm not making resolutions; I just used that word because it fits best.

There are a lot of things I want to change. I want to become closer with God, I want to become happier with myself (I've come to realize I'm not as satisfied as I think). I want to do at least one good deed a day for the whole year, just to see if I can. Not like these'll be hard, they'll just take discipline, and, of course, change. I want to read and write and paint; become reacquainted with all the things I have a passion for. My art has been struck on the wayside. I really need to stop watching so much tv and get back to doing the things I love. Playing my DS included, because I love that little piece of technology so much...

I really want to get closer to my friends and family, show them how much I care about them. But, at the same time, I can't just hang around one set. I have more than just 5 or 6 friends, actual friends, and I need to remind myself and others that. Besides, I've found that hanging around the same people all the time gets to be extremely tiring and taxing; not because of them (all the time...), but just because it's the same thing. Maybe that's why I was a social nomad in high school.

2007 was a major improvement over 2006, and I think 2008 is going to be even better. Here's to hope and promise, and maybe a little love :)

Pansies for thoughtful recollection to bring me into the new year.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007


Another straight boy. At least this time I found out through Honesty Box. He seemed so.. Gay, too.

Yea, I know, I was wrong, as I usually am, but really. If you saw this guy you'd think the same thing I did. In fact, other people have. And by other people I mean one person. But one person is better support than none.

This isn't a post about being tired of falling for straight boys; that is most definitely a given. It's about falling for a straight boy again. I honestly just don't understand it. It sucks because those that are actually on my defunct radar are the ones I don't want anything to do with. Especially around here; the gay boys are just so... I don't know how to put it. But I know, for sure, that they breed way too much drama, they all know each other, and making a list of connections between them would not only be tedious, but it would just make me feel like I'd be wasting my time going for one.

So, yea, pointless. I'll make it one day, though. I promise.

Ah, wormwood for tormented love. I'm sure some of you know that it is the ingredient in Absinthe that makes it a hallucinogen. Well, my tormented love for my amorphous prince leads me to hallucinate and see people for things they are not.