Monday, March 16, 2009

99 Problems

Okay, we need to address a few things.

First, I haven't been keeping up with the thankful thing. I got 10 days into it haha. I'm trying though, and I'm keeping a mental note of the things that have stuck out in my life lately. This Lent thing was never for me, anyway.

Since the start of 2009, I've had a few problems, some minor, others not so minor. Dealing with friend issues and lying, boyfriend issues, breakup issues, a declining chemistry grade, ex issues (this deserves a whole post altogether), hasn't been easy. Quite frankly, I'm tired. I need a boost. I'm pushing myself to finish this semester strong and not worry.

And, here I am now, blogging to you. I'm tired of deception and crazy people who aren't listening to me. A 17 year old FB-friend basically told me yesterday I was a fake friend because I don't call him and he's always the one that messages me. It's true. But at the same time, I have things going on, and that's all that needs to be said. I'm not going to stop my life to always make sure to stay in communication with an emotional 17 year old who calls me a fake friend. I don't call a lot of people, including my family. He pulled some of the same ish the ex has been pulling, so I just let him throw his tantrum and take me off FB (which is something I did [blocked] to the ex because I was tired of talking to him, am still tired of talking to him, which is why I'm not haha).

Life's too short for some of this shit, so I'm not going to put up with this shit anymore. I'm not going to put up with a failed effort on my part and I'm sure as hell not going to put up with someone else's bullshit, especially when I know that I haven't done anything wrong, save for the why I reacted to said craziness.

Time is of the essence.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Who Watches....

The Watchmen?

Day Ten:

I'm thankful for the Watchmen. It is a wonderful piece of art, in literature and visual art, on the outside, but within, the story holds so many intrigues into human life. It shows us ugly and beautiful, thoughtful and selfish. So much like 1984, it shows the lengths that we may go to achieve our own freedom and that, sometimes, our plans don't quite pan out.

To save the world, must we destroy some part of it? The plan was genius, but must we decide that human life is not precious enough to regard when trying to unite the rest of the world? Who has to die, or gets to die in some cases?

I'm left with a lot of questions after reading and watch Watchmen. I have doubts that we can even save the world. We have no heroes, or do we?

Who watches the Watchmen? No. Who watches the rest of the world? I think we need to find the answers to these questions before the world really does destroy itself.

Monday, March 9, 2009

No Power

I'm kinda mixing days here, but...

Day Nine:

As much as I desire to fly, not in an airplane but manipulate energy or something and just fly, sometimes not having superpowers is great. My greatest example is Alan Moore's Watchmen character Dr. Manhattan. He loved before he became a sort of god, he felt sadness and happiness. After he acquired his powers, though, he became out of touch. He didn't completely lose emotion, witnessed when he teleported a tv station full of people outside the actual station and when he left Earth for Mars after Laurie left him. He just became out of touch.

To be able to fly, lift cars, manipulate energy; these all sound great. Yet, with no one else around, it'd be hard to relate anymore. That's why there are superhero communities in the comics. Just like any demographic, they need to feel loved and be around people they can relate to. We glorify superpowers, but we forget that superheroes have issues, too. We forget that saving the world is a responsibility, and if you chose not to, using powers responsibly would become an issue.

I want to fly, but sometimes the dream is so much better than the reality.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Respect Yourself Damnit!

I'm of the general opinion that HELL TO THE NAW do you "advertise" on the internet. If you are that inclined to show off your assets, then go into porn, hell.

There is an individual on MySpace who added me a while ago, who is no long a friend on MySpace, and I was like "This is cool." Then I read his various display names, and bulletins, and somehow looked at some of his pictures. I wish I wasn't naturally drawn to that, not in a turns me on kind of way, but in a "really, is he really doing that shit" kind of way. His bulletins always talk about how he's a male diva or a bad bitch, his bulletins talk about all sorts of stuff, and his pictures... Well, I'm still kind of nauseous.

Let's get on me for a second. I had the inclination to look at what he was doing. The fact that I am now blogging about it doesn't bode well for my credibility or image. I chose to add him, to check out the various objects that I am opposed to. Glad we got that out the way.

Now, why? I have some pictures on FB from Halloween where I wore jeans, a vest, and a bowtie (I was poor!). I feign to add pictures of myself lacking any article of clothes besides shoes, though I appreciate and admire my own body. I've thought about it, but if someone really wants to see, they'll ask or try, and even still they may not get the chance. My goodies aren't advertisements. My goodies are my goodies, and I'm not always the one to share. Why blast all that stuff on the internet? I heard once, keep the man or woman in surprise. Don't put it all out there.

I have a lack of respect for people who do that. It's not attractive. It's actually counter productive. Who's going to comment on stuff like that? The people who are either so loose that they get it from everywhere, and not in an admirable way, or the people who are so desperate they'll clamour for any bit of skin they can see. Ever see someone who posts pictures like that and who responds? Their friends and skeezes. Please, please correct me if I'm wrong.

This definitely put things into perspective.

Like Sting, I'm Tantric

Day Eight:

Yoga. Blessing upon blessing upon blessing. Multi-layered thankfulness!!!

No, really, I love me some yoga. Why? It increases flexibility. People think you have to be flexible to do yoga, and that isn't true at all. You learn to be flexible in yoga. There are a lot of exercises that focus on stretching, and plenty of room for versatility if you're not at the point you want to be yet. You don't have to go all the way over with a forward bend, you go as far as you can. The more you do it, the more it works, same principle as stretching (Hell, it is stretching).

If you stay in certain positions longer, it can become an endurance workout. I go to yoga every week and sometimes I leave feeling like I had a real workout. The particular instructor I go to has a tendency to do positions that focus on core, a part of my body I am always interested in improving. If you know what to do, you can create an exercise regimen to match that with weights. And, you didn't hear this from me, but yoga provides some versatility in... You know, other areas of your life. Just saying :)

One of the most important benefits I get from yoga is a clear and destressed body and mind. The other night I went with a mildly upset stomach. I took some baking soda water or whatever about an hour or so before, and I'm sure that helped, too. But I've gone with heartburn, stuffed noses, what have you, and left feeling so much better. My circumstances were pretty mild, so keep that in mind, but, otherwise, it just may be worth your time. For sure, though, I feel little to no mental stress once I leave. I think that's the biggest reason I've kept going. I get such a peace of mind from doing yoga that I don't get anywhere or any other way in my life.

I definitely recommend trying a free class or even looking up poses yourself. Don't get to adventurous, though!

Another Chance

This and the next few posts are a few days too late, but...

Day Seven:

I've found that I'm thankful to know that I still got it.

You know in that sense that you know someone's checking you out and that you have another chance, another go, at something. Well, I was working with one of my friends on Tuesday and she gave someone her number, who promptly texted her. She's always had it, trust me. Me? A guy came in with two girls, obviously gay (not just 'cause the two girls), and I could definitely tell he was checking me out.

So? I still got it. I'm thankful to realize and understand this, finally. For such a long time, I didn't. The only thing I heard was, "You have a great smile," and I came to agree, gumminess and all. Now I hear a slew of things, some of which I completely ignore because they come from skeezes, but that's beside the point. A little bit of serendipity, if that's the right word: "I Love Your Smile" by Shanice just came on :)

So, I hope that you got it, because I'm sure you do fair readers *cricket*. Be happy that you got it, because whether you're on the fence on if you got it or not, you definitely know someone who, unfortunately, may not have it at all...

Thursday, March 5, 2009


So, the finale results are in, and...

Quest Crew took Season 3!

Now, I'm a bit disappointed. The Beat Freaks are AMAZING! I haven't watched a whole lot, but they rocked the house. I love watching this show!

Good luck to Quest Crew!


Here, we have Red Bull. An energy drink. I've heard plenty of times how energy drinks are bad for you, they can cause higher risks of cardiovascular disease, brain tumors or what have you. What's missing in each of these cases?


I was going to be an educated and intelligent blogger and give you lots of information, but I'm too lazy for that and this is NOT a research paper. What I can tell you though is that, yes, there is a severe lack of statistics and conclusive data. Guarana does have some risks associated with it, but taurine and vitamin B don't have near as many, if at all. In fact, my research on taurine didn't really yield anything negative. I'm interested in finding out more information, but for the time being, I'm still on the Red Bull boat.

Sugar and caffeine seem to come under fire when people talk about the dangers, risks, etc. of energy drinks. Honestly, what doesn't have sugar? To say there are a lot of drinks on the market with a lot of sugar is an extreme understatement. And, to my knowledge, the FDA says that "68 mg per 12 oz. is acceptable." But I don't trust the FDA. For a lot of reasons. Yea, I know most 8-12 oz. energy drinks have more than 68 mg. Usually around 75 mg per serving. A Starbucks shot of espresso has 75 mg and the coffee, even a tall, has more than double, sometimes triple, that amount. Trust me, I know.

I'm coming to the conclusion that, no, energy drinks aren't that bad for you. I can't find a lot of data that emphasizes risks. I encourage you to do your own research, find out like I did. There's A LOT of information out there.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Socially Awkward Jackass

Believe it or not, those two are different. There are areas where they may come off as the same, such as someone who is socially awkward behaving like a jackass, but someone who's socially awkward and someone who's a jackass differ at key points.

First, let's take socially awkward, or its cousin, socially retarded. Someone who's socially awkward seems to lack the graces to be considered a universally good conversation partner. He may say things that don't make sense, he may not control his tone or how he says things to other people. Sometimes, I think I can classify as socially awkward. I'm not always funny and my mind seems to run a lot faster than other people's. I can easily make connections between subjects that I talk about, but not everyone sees those connections and I can quickly jump to another by the time someone figures out what I was talking about before. What I think sets me apart is the fact that I pick up on tone, body language, essentially reading people, to know what or how to say or do whatever. Someone who's socially retarded, though, lacks these graces completely and easily becomes "that one kid" that no one wants to talk to. Thing is, I don't think these people actually realize what could be considered their "awkwardness."

Take my lab partner last week for instance. He's a nice guy, but I did find it particularly angering that he opted to drop chemicals at one point because I "drop too slow." He also took the time to blame a certain, albeit minor, mishap on my part when I mentioned to him that "maybe we missed a step." Our professor wondered what was going on and my lab partner did not hesitate to say "Oh, well he forgot the step." Yea.

Now, a jackass knows he's a jackass. He does not feign kindness. He's brash, inconsiderate, and quick to temper. Take my best friend for instance. If I hated him, I'd call him a jackass. I love him to death, but he's still a jackass. Know what makes him different? He knows he's a jackass, but he's lovable, AND he knows when to hold punches, when and what to say. I know lots of jackasses that I can tolerate. Now, then and again you find the kind of jackass that you can't STAND being around. The one who doesn't seem to know he's a jackass, but in truth, he does. The one who never hesitates to make some sort of snide or smartass comment and who has the utmost capacity to get his ass kicked on a daily basis. He has some of the characteristics of your average socially awkward guy, but to a less cute, way more unbearable and "Meet me at 3 o'clock" way.

Not going to lie, I have a bit of jackass in me, too. I can be downright brutal, emphasis on the can, but I try not to. I joke around a lot, but I've started to draw the line. Yet, I kinda put this sort of behavior in the "bitch" category more than jackass (I rarely find that gay men are indeed assholes or jackasses versus just being bitches). More on that.

So, here is your lesson on those socially awkward individuals whom you can't help but just stare at in awe at their, well, awkwardness, and the jackasses whose heads you want to rattle with the closest blunt object.


Monday, March 2, 2009

Optimists and Pessimists

An optimist laughs to forget, a pessimist forgets to laugh.


Day Six:
I'm grateful for laughter. There's something bright and positive that emanates from a laugh. When a baby laughs, it's full of joy. When adults laugh, it can be to forget sadness and grief. We need to laugh to really experience life. I don't know any other way personally. As I told my friends at work today, I'm happy that I'm so easily amused. Being able to laugh at so many things exponentially increases joy in someone's life. If I wasn't able to laugh at so much, I don't know where I'd be. I love being able to laugh, or even better, make other people laugh. Seeing a laugh and a smile on someone's face is beautiful, and being able to do that is so much more than rewarding.

I like being able to smile, to laugh at the little memories. I love being able to appreciate a good joke, or very good irony. Laughter is a wonderful gift, a treasure. Never forget to laugh.

Laughter is the shock absorber that eases the blows of life


"Thankful for relaxation, complication,
Hivination and irritation
Succlusion, confusion are my impurities
And securities
Cause I know it`s god just perfecting me
That`s why I today I take my life as it comes"

India.Arie - Gratitude

Day Five:
It had been quite the weekend. Except, not really. Saturday was spent loafing. Sunday was truly relaxing. I got up, looked up some yoga positions, actually did yoga positions, cleaned my car, did a floorset at B&BW (not the best part, but I got extra moolah), and came home to not do homework that I realize that I definitely should have.

Relaxation is beautiful. I reach my Zen, my almost-Nirvana, when I'm winding down. Sunday was a truly beautiful day. I was glad I got to spend it with myself, recollecting myself. Yes, I did have to give some slight therapy to friends, but I took that for what it was worth. Being grateful, remember? I was glad I got to help them.

Relaxation is a necessity in my life. I need me-time, time to wind down and put myself back together, reducing the fraying edges. I love the time spent in silence or with music or things I love.

"Relaxation means releasing all concern and tension and letting the natural order of life flow through one's being."
Donald Curtis

"Take rest;
a field that has rested gives a bountiful crop."

Just some food for thought.

Where the Heart Is

Day Four: I'm thankful that I will always have some kind of home to return to. My family is there and I trust that it always will be. My mother, father, grandparents, cousins, they all love me unconditionally and I'm blessed because of it.

I was drinking with the straight boys Friday and I decided I wanted my own bed to sleep in. Luckily, my house is only about 10 minutes away from where we were partying. I got home to find someone in my "bed" (technically it's not mine), so I accosted my sister's since she was sleeping on the couch. It was nice, comfortable, and the alcohol was wearing off. I was home. I was protected. If I ever need to get away, I can just go home, even though I can't stay for long for fear of losing my sanity.

I have a home to return to, and that is one of the greatest gifts anyone could receive.