Monday, March 16, 2009

99 Problems

Okay, we need to address a few things.

First, I haven't been keeping up with the thankful thing. I got 10 days into it haha. I'm trying though, and I'm keeping a mental note of the things that have stuck out in my life lately. This Lent thing was never for me, anyway.

Since the start of 2009, I've had a few problems, some minor, others not so minor. Dealing with friend issues and lying, boyfriend issues, breakup issues, a declining chemistry grade, ex issues (this deserves a whole post altogether), hasn't been easy. Quite frankly, I'm tired. I need a boost. I'm pushing myself to finish this semester strong and not worry.

And, here I am now, blogging to you. I'm tired of deception and crazy people who aren't listening to me. A 17 year old FB-friend basically told me yesterday I was a fake friend because I don't call him and he's always the one that messages me. It's true. But at the same time, I have things going on, and that's all that needs to be said. I'm not going to stop my life to always make sure to stay in communication with an emotional 17 year old who calls me a fake friend. I don't call a lot of people, including my family. He pulled some of the same ish the ex has been pulling, so I just let him throw his tantrum and take me off FB (which is something I did [blocked] to the ex because I was tired of talking to him, am still tired of talking to him, which is why I'm not haha).

Life's too short for some of this shit, so I'm not going to put up with this shit anymore. I'm not going to put up with a failed effort on my part and I'm sure as hell not going to put up with someone else's bullshit, especially when I know that I haven't done anything wrong, save for the why I reacted to said craziness.

Time is of the essence.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You know that I love you and that I've stopped the bullshit. If an apology wasn't enough, there's nothing more that I can do. I listened, I apologized, I tried to patch things up. You're not a bad person, I'm not a bad person. You couldn't see me, I needed to see you--Now I'm the worst person ever b/c I lost it after a break-up a "rationally" saw as unnecessary.

What hurts more than getting broken up with is being referred to as the "crazy ex." I'm better than that, and I really pray that you realize that. Next, FB is not the end-all be-all of interpersonal communication. And no, 17-year-olds should hold no sway over your life b/c A) it's sounds like you're your situation is borderline statutory and B)most of them act like I did for those 2 weeks on a day-to-day basis.