Monday, April 6, 2009


I'm grateful:

That I was created from the same grains, fibers, cells as so much life on earth; that we are all connected; that we all came from the same source, be it Allah, God, Yahweh, the Big Bang; I'm grateful to have a job; I'm grateful to have the chance and opportunity to attend college, basically for free; I'm grateful to have a car that WORKS, even if I pay for it; I'm grateful for my friends and family who love me unconditionally; I'm grateful for an ex who is showing me respect and willing to listen, despite the fact that we are apart; I'm grateful for my mother and my parents who will always watch over me; I'm grateful for music and colors because they make the world that much beautiful and they exist EVERYWHERE; I'm grateful for life because it is a beautiful gift in and of itself.

I've had a pretty bad week, and it's showing very little sign of getting better. In the words of Kahlil Gibran, much of my pain is self-chosen, but man that doesn't make it any easier. I'm trying to stay positive now, and that is a journey in and of itself. This sucks, but I need to stay mindful of my blessings and what I have, where they came from. It's hard, it really is, but other people do suffer more than me and I'm trying to stay mindful of them, too, of their struggles, their pain.

I'm trying to keep my head up but it hasn't been easy. I'm going to be mindful of what I have, grateful that I have it, and considerate of those who may be worse off than me. This still hurts, though, and I need my scars to heal, too.

I used to think that because other people suffer, I should never complain. I can volunteer all over the world, but if I'm in pain, I'm still in pain. It's okay to work through my own problems, while still being mindful of the problems of others.


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jc said...
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