Monday, March 2, 2009


"Thankful for relaxation, complication,
Hivination and irritation
Succlusion, confusion are my impurities
And securities
Cause I know it`s god just perfecting me
That`s why I today I take my life as it comes"

India.Arie - Gratitude

Day Five:
It had been quite the weekend. Except, not really. Saturday was spent loafing. Sunday was truly relaxing. I got up, looked up some yoga positions, actually did yoga positions, cleaned my car, did a floorset at B&BW (not the best part, but I got extra moolah), and came home to not do homework that I realize that I definitely should have.

Relaxation is beautiful. I reach my Zen, my almost-Nirvana, when I'm winding down. Sunday was a truly beautiful day. I was glad I got to spend it with myself, recollecting myself. Yes, I did have to give some slight therapy to friends, but I took that for what it was worth. Being grateful, remember? I was glad I got to help them.

Relaxation is a necessity in my life. I need me-time, time to wind down and put myself back together, reducing the fraying edges. I love the time spent in silence or with music or things I love.

"Relaxation means releasing all concern and tension and letting the natural order of life flow through one's being."
Donald Curtis

"Take rest;
a field that has rested gives a bountiful crop."

Just some food for thought.

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