Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Who Watches....

The Watchmen?

Day Ten:

I'm thankful for the Watchmen. It is a wonderful piece of art, in literature and visual art, on the outside, but within, the story holds so many intrigues into human life. It shows us ugly and beautiful, thoughtful and selfish. So much like 1984, it shows the lengths that we may go to achieve our own freedom and that, sometimes, our plans don't quite pan out.

To save the world, must we destroy some part of it? The plan was genius, but must we decide that human life is not precious enough to regard when trying to unite the rest of the world? Who has to die, or gets to die in some cases?

I'm left with a lot of questions after reading and watch Watchmen. I have doubts that we can even save the world. We have no heroes, or do we?

Who watches the Watchmen? No. Who watches the rest of the world? I think we need to find the answers to these questions before the world really does destroy itself.

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