Friday, May 6, 2011

Meet Cute

So, I said I'd blog about how Z and I met :)

Well, first, we lived in the same dorm. He was a Freshman and I was a Junior. Some of the earlier details are random, like me adding him on Facebook, holding the door open for him on his birthday after we had both just come from the club (separately) and studying in the dorm lobby while he was hanging out with his friends. After a while, any thought of a relationship was out the window because I thought we were too different (I won't use the adjectives he uses whenever we go over this period in time).

It really started with yoga. I was dealing with a rather stressful relationship, so I went to yoga every week to help relieve the stress. Z was also there every week, and that's when I really started to notice how cute he was, and that he was a different person than what I had first thought. Eventually, me and my boyfriend at the time broke up, and Z and I started to talk via Facebook more often.

At the same time, a mysterious person started sending me Honesty Box messages. I clung to them because I love attention and I was lonely. Anywho, my first guess was actually Z, but he kept denying it (mm hmm). A bit more of the semester goes by and eventually we get together to watch a movie. The kicker is that I was a PA for his group of Honors freshman, although he wasn't in my particular small group, so we couldn't date. All we could do was hang out.

Thus, we hung out until the semester was officially over, and, two years ago today, we became an official couple :)

1 comment:

Kim!!! said...

This is the CUTEST story!!! For real!!!