Sunday, May 29, 2011

An Evolution

I read through some of the earlier entries on the blog and I am feeling many ways.

I'm part upset with myself for some of the things I said, particularly the things about people always calling or looking for racism and the like, which is basically the exact opposite of how I feel now. Now, I feel like various forms of discrimination should be hunted down and corrected, of course in conjunction to using critical thinking and deductive reasoning.

I'm also surprised at how I talked about God. In one post, dated almost a year ago, I said I believed. Now? If I were to be honest with you, that wouldn't be my answer.

The change, even within the past year, is so surprising. I'm scared to show people, scared that they'll think I'm a hypocrite. However, there is something else to be learned. While I could benefit from a consistency of thought and belief, that's not how things work out for me. I, apparently, am constantly changing and evolving. I appreciate where I am now because I feel it is a much better place and I have a better grasp on who I am.

I'm not sure exactly where this places me, nor am I sure that the blog will look the same a year from now, but it was still interesting to see the development.

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