Thursday, January 15, 2009

Starting Over

Classes are about to officially resume, for me anyway. I'm excited. I'm going to go strong and finish even stronger than I did last semester (one B, but I can do better).

I was perusing a blog, 37 Things to be exact, and I came across a post that mentioned the three words for a new year. I hadn't even thought of that. As I wondered what mine would be, I came to one almost instantly: Swagger. This year, I'm going to exercise my swagger and show everyone just what I've got. I'm going to exude confidence, attraction, and positive well-being. I'll show everyone that I got that mad swagga (so good, I don't even need to be grammatically correct).

My second word, which I found not too soon after, is Fresh. I want to smell fresh, look fresh (ignore the not shaving every now and then), and act fresh. Keep a clean (so to speak) and easy mind. I want to be the embodiment of the colors green and blue: green for fresh fauna, inexperience and youth with the chance and possibility of growth, blue for fluid water, going where God and the world take me, keeping cool and staying calm.

My last word is balance, and this is key. I want to keep balance between the Boo and the friends, keeping my time with everyone I love. Balancing my schedule with love for my family, staying in contact and never letting them forget that I love them. Balance between how I see myself and what I'm showing the world; I can't get too cocky now.

2009 is going to be a good year, and I'm going to keep these words in mind. What are your three?

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