Monday, January 12, 2009

Gay Elite

Ever since I came of age, I've noticed something about the gay community. As with any social demographic there exists the "elite." Around here, the gay elite is comprised of white males. I'm not usually the first to point out discrimination in anything, but in this situation it's kind of weird. You see pictures from parties or the club and it's the same over tan, pretty, made up white males (with a few exceptions: namely, a couple of unattractive people do make it into the mix, or you have your token asian or black man).

No, I would not consider myself part of a gay elite. In fact, I don't think I'd be happy if I was. The thing here, though, is that the word elite is applied from the outside, as I'm doing now. They may or may not consider themselves elite, but I choose that word because it seems like this exclusive club, a membership I had once wanted but had the good sense to never look after.

I just don't understand it. Is this an issue of race? Black gay boys seem to separate themselves, too, and gay men naturally seem to deny membership, sometimes without even trying, into various social contexts. Maybe it's birds of a feather; like minds and such. I just honestly do not know. I just know that a) it's unsettling and b) I see it everywhere.

I may consider myself attractive but I'm not elite and never will be. I don't belong on a pedestal above anyone else. So, I guess I'm not going to do the same to the pretty white boys with an exclusive membership into some arbitrary idea that has no relevance whatsoever.

They're not elite. They're just pretty, white, and gay. I guess that's it.

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