Tuesday, June 24, 2008


Clamouring beautiful blue wings
Crash, crash in frenzy
Knock against the walls of my lungs
You stole my breath away

No oxygen, blood runs black
I'm frozen, cold when my heart skips that inevitable beat
It's all you, when I see you
I have to turn away

I feel each flat, butterfly kisses
Come out as softspoken speech
I reach for the words
But my body pulls out that butterfly

I open my mouth, though utter no sound
The lump in my throat is an attempt to escape
I want to see that butterfly
'Cause on its wings fly my poetry

My love song's to no addressee for I lack a name
A lover, to me, a wraith
Still tugging on my heart strings
Tangling a web for that poor butterfly

Let those blue wings fly
So I can breathe, speak, whisper my name
Let my verse fly to you, understood
So you'll know what magic you incite in me

Though it's up in the air
If you believe in magic at all;
Whether the sight of me
Makes you see butterflies

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