Saturday, December 24, 2011

Just For Now

So, as I sit here, sipping my Skinny Girl Margarita, I suddenly come up with the idea that it's time for a change. Basically, I've made the past six months of my life out of some kind of change or another, because there's nothing like ending a two year relationship to make you realize that things change, and that as things change other things follow suit.

I decided to change the blog name to reflect these changes. As someone helped me realize the other day, change is the only real status quo, we just delude ourselves into thinking that things as they are in a certain epoch are how they are supposed to be or forever will be.

The change takes after one of my favorite Imogen Heap songs, 'Just for Now,' a song I love to listen to during the holidays. To me, the song reflects a holiday family gathering, one which I like to pretend is Christmas. It reflects the goings on of a family during Christmas, but also the feeling of wanting to escape. And, honestly, as much as I love my family, it takes a lot of energy to be around them. It's rather ironic, because you think it'd be effortless being around those I love. However, I've also been around them for 23 years :)

In short, I felt it was time for a change. I've done some good work of stepping outside my box and developing myself as a person, and I'm happy for that. I'm happy for myself.

Everything I present to you from now on is a reflection of my being, at least Just for Now. My mind my change, and so may my life, but each post will represent who I am Just for NOw.

And Just for Now, I'm happy to reflect on life and myself and the past six months and how good life is.

Even if Just for Now.

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