Saturday, August 14, 2010

My Hands

This summer has been full of things for me. Inside the mediocrity that is working and living I have read many books, made a list of goals to accomplish for the moment and in the next year, drank, taken bubble baths, ended a relationship, pondered new ones, beaten a video game and gotten closer to people whom I've always wanted to build a relationship with.

The game I beat, Final Fantasy XIII, was beautiful, but that is a story for another day (which I should actually do). The end theme, "My Hands" by Leona Lewis, is both beautiful and inspiring. I listened to it non-stop after I beat the game because, at that point, it was an anthem and a testament to getting up and moving, even when you don't want to, even after so long. After Z and I broke up, it became my anthem, my manifesto. Even when I didn't feel like getting up and going about my day, I'd do it. When I had moments that made me feel so weak I wanted to drop to the floor and scream, I didn't. I kept moving. I had to force myself to keep going. Melodrama aside, the song really did keep me going.

Not a day has gone by that I haven't made my bed in the morning (or when I finally decide to get up). I eat breakfast every day. I've started to floss AND brush my teeth at night (no comment...). In short, though My Hands would love to be held again, especially by someone whom I cared so deeply about, I know they may not be for a while. And that is okay. My world is feeling warm again. I can feel the winter melting away into my new spring.

The song also has a sense of resolution, even in its words of uncertainty and longing for a past love. My summer has the same feeling. My life is reaching a point of closure, the end of a chapter to usher in the next one. So many things will change, even in the next month, and I am getting ready to face them. I will enter a new chapter in my life.

Here's the song (with the nifty FFXIII logo :D)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


"My Hands" is one of my favorite songs. I have never been through a heart-wrenching breakup; however, I feel that Leona's soulful singing and beautiful lyrics grant me the empathy to understand what it must be like. I can listen to her CD's on repeat for ages. I'm glad you are able to find solace in her music. Here's hoping the next chapter in your life is more than fulfilling. :)

-Adam Stone