Thursday, June 4, 2009

Still Scared

There are many reasons we fear we may lose the love of those closest to us. Being gay does not help in quieting those concerns because we risk losing the love of those who birthed us, who physically created us.

Yesterday, I had a talk with my father about my being gay (via txt, which I find comical). We reached the same conclusion. I mentioned it was unfair to want me to change and he said it was unfair that his only son is gay. There are a lot of things that are unfair though. It is unfair for me to be forced to comply with certain standards, to have to male others happy by changing. It is unfair for my father's 'name' to not be truly passed on.

What I think a lot of parents may not understand is that we have a lot to lose too. We never forget that we may not have biological children or children at all. We know that being gay may disappoint your or hurt you. We also know you may turn us away.

But why ask us to change? Why try to make us make you happy knowing that we will be unhappy in the end?

Times are changing. One day, no one will have to have this discussion and it will be wonderful. My parents don't know my real beliefs, that I have doubts, that I think some parts of the bible are fundamentally wrong and we do ourselves a great disservice by seeing it as unerring. Maybe they should.

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