Sunday, May 31, 2009


I always told myself that I'd never forsake my friends for a boyfriend.

Want to bet how that's gone thus far? I find it way too easy to give up friends for boyfriends. Not willingly, of course. Just, lately, the only person I've really wanted to be around is V (pseudonym of course, and he knows, just fyi :D). It doesn't help that I have NO MONEY and most of my friends are IN CONWAY. I could go to Barnes with the bestie and we could see free movies every now and then at the Rave, but I find myself at a loss for what to do with my friends now.

I'm trying to limit driving to Conway to only when I have to work, and I could do lunch there. It's not easy trying to spend as much time as possible with someone whom you're with and balancing old friendships, at least not to me. I hope they haven't felt like I've been doing them wrong, because I sure have felt that way. I'm going to find away. It's only June (technically).

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