Wednesday, March 19, 2008

It's Been a While


I've skipped two classes out of four today, one is canceled, so I might as well just make it an even skip day. I don't know what's been up with me and school lately. Maybe it's because I live on the other side of campus and I'd rather not show up than be late 10+ minutes because there's a certain point in any class where it becomes pointless to show up. In my book, anyway.

There's been a lot I've wanted to write about, and I don't know why I haven't. If I remember, it'll all be here.

D.C. on Saturday. Yes, I'm excited. I (hopefully) will get to visit my favorite store in the world, H&M. And I also know that last sentence was grammatically incorrect, but I wonder if you know why. For the longest time, I didn't know it was. I really hope I'll get to go clubbing. I stick to this argument: you can't visit a major metropolitan area ANYWHERE on your spring break and not go clubbing. It's a waste of potential hotties that you don't have to remember. And yes, that does almost make me a whore. I still have standards though, trust me.

I like silent, rainy days when Imogen Heap fills the spaces.

I want this semester to be over so I can start working (ironic...). I'm really just tired of my classes. I love writing and Japanese, psychology is...., history's okay, just lectures, I don't really like Honors because one instructor is a student and he's late or misses class more often than not and the other instructor (part of the faculty) is basically a big nerd with a horrible sense of humor. I know it's mean, but I really don't like him. My bitchy words are immortalized here... Maybe I should take that back; harsh words against others are never worth it, and I'm trying to learn this wholeheartedly.

So it's official: I take that comment back.


Get me out of here, get me out of here, get me out of here.

Flower roulette. I don't know what this flower is called, but I wanted a picture of a flower in the rain and this was striking to me.

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