Monday, December 31, 2007


First off, resolutions are really just a hollow tradition that people follow every year and never really see through. I'm not making resolutions; I just used that word because it fits best.

There are a lot of things I want to change. I want to become closer with God, I want to become happier with myself (I've come to realize I'm not as satisfied as I think). I want to do at least one good deed a day for the whole year, just to see if I can. Not like these'll be hard, they'll just take discipline, and, of course, change. I want to read and write and paint; become reacquainted with all the things I have a passion for. My art has been struck on the wayside. I really need to stop watching so much tv and get back to doing the things I love. Playing my DS included, because I love that little piece of technology so much...

I really want to get closer to my friends and family, show them how much I care about them. But, at the same time, I can't just hang around one set. I have more than just 5 or 6 friends, actual friends, and I need to remind myself and others that. Besides, I've found that hanging around the same people all the time gets to be extremely tiring and taxing; not because of them (all the time...), but just because it's the same thing. Maybe that's why I was a social nomad in high school.

2007 was a major improvement over 2006, and I think 2008 is going to be even better. Here's to hope and promise, and maybe a little love :)

Pansies for thoughtful recollection to bring me into the new year.

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